Steps to Create Material Master Record (MM01)
Purpose: - Use this procedure to manually create a Material Master Record for any business segment.
Requirement: - Material type, Industry Sector
Menu Path: - Logistics > Materials Management > Material Master > Material > Create (General) > MM01 immidiately.
Transaction Code: -
Note: - In this release we are taking as SAP Standard. We can change fields as we requires. Master Records consist of the basic information on the Business Contract.
Steps to Create Material
1. Execute the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
2. You have to fill all required fields and you will find some optional fields also:
Material (Required): - item that can be used for purchasing or sales for commercial use, or may be used, consumed, etc; this may be a service; Also, a number identifying a material master data. If we want to maintain our self or can be created by the system
Industry sector (Required): - This is type of industry in which we can use this material.
Material Type (Required): - This is field that assigns the material to a group of materials like raw materials, finished products, or Semi Finished etc.
Material (Copy from an existing material master record Optional): - If we want to create material just same as we have in material master data so this is used for coping that material and their features to new material to be created.
4. Click Select all or you can select according to your requirements.
5. Click ok.
6. Fill the plant which is required:
Plant (Required field): - plant is the manufacturing unit where this material is produced.
8. Fill the fields as required and optional:
Material: - Enter Description for the material like name and use.
Base Unit of Measure: - Unit of measure is just for managing that material in stock. It can be of many types like EA for Each, KG (Kilo Grams)
Material Group: - this is the group of material with same features. Like pipe.
Languages Maintained: - Languages can be maintained in system
9. Click ok and go to Purchasing Tab.
10. As required, complete the following fields:
Purchasing Group: - This is used for identifying Purchaser or group of purchaser.
Purchasing value key: - Key defining intervals of reminders used to notify the vendor for not sending the material on-time.
Purchasing value key determines the following things:
1) Reminders keys- There are 3 keys which determine in how many days before or after the vendor has to be reminded or urging letters for the material procurement.
2) Deliveries tolerances.
3) Whether PO requires acknowledgment or not.
The system displays the message, "Check the data for the purchasing value key."
12. Click ok or just press enter.
13. As required, complete the following field:
Purchase order text: - Enter text for a material which will appear on a business Contract Release Order
At last you can get message like, "Material XXXX created."
15. Click back until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
16. Now you have created a new material for business.
In this TCODE we are able to maintain accounting and other data also. For this we have to select these fields at step no 3.
Result: - You have created a Material. This is called as material Master Data/Record.