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Sunday, April 3, 2016

New Features of SAP Project Systems

New Features from ECC 6.0 to EHP 6:

New Feature: 
u2022Integrated Product Process Engineering Tab

Config Settings:
SPRO--> Project System >Material> Integration of Project system with iPPE-->Define Reference points for the  Integration of the Project system with iPPE

    Integrated Product Process Engineering
Transfer of Product Structure from Integrated Product Process Engineering to Project systems via iPPE nodes to Project definitions, WBS Elements, Network activities by means of a reference point.

u2022Work Overview & Selection list
u2022Self Services for creating and editing project objects
u2022Communication via email
u2022Assigning Resources to Project objects
u2022Confirmations & Reports

New Features

u2022In Basic Data tab, Standard Value Maintenance screen, Screen Variants can be maintained
u2022In Default Value tab,  Screen variants can be maintained for Unit of Measure of Standard Values

New Features
Capacity Header can be viewed in ECC 6.0

3. T Code:      CN24N (Overall Network Scheduling)
New Features

u2022     New transaction in ECC 6.0
u2022     Multiple Network Scheduling


1.The main advantage of the overall network scheduling asynchronously is the restriction over networks, to be schedule is possible while working with large sub network projects which reduces time.

2.Option of giving level is a new feature which can be used as Selection criterion.  Maximum of 9 levels for standard networks can be used.

3.Option of scheduling networks or only sub networks is possible.

Prerequisites of Network Scheduling:
Scheduling parameters to be maintained
Levels of Network to be maintained
Path:  SPRO -->Dates > Scheduling> Define Levels of Network

4. TCode:      IMCBR3 (Mass Release of Budget)
New Features

u2022     New transaction in ECC 6.0
u2022     Budget can be released for one fiscal year

Advantages :
1.     Releasing of budget is possible on percentage basis.
2.     Possibility of releasing the budget for one fiscal year.

5. T Code:      CJR2 (Planning Cost Elements/Activity Inputs)
In ECC 6.0 CJR2 has been enhanced when compared to CJR2 in 4.7.  Negative values can be planned by using CJR2 transaction for Investment revenues (Eg: Selling out own fixed assets)

The planning of the investment revenue (generated from sale of asset)  can be planned as negative revenue with a minus sign in ECC 6.0 where as its not possible to maintain any sort of negative values in revenue prior to this version.

6. T code : COGI (Automatic Goods Movement Error Handling)
New Feature :

u2022List display
u2022In ECC 6.0, selection can be made between List & Grid display

7. T code : COFC (Reprocessing of confirmations)
New Feature :

u2022Output Criterion (Maximum selected lines)
u2022     In ECC 6.0, selection can be made between List &  display mode
u2022     Order category can be set as an input parameter

8.  T Code     CNPAWB (Progress Analysis Workbench)
In ECC6.0, this is totally a new transaction code
1. The main advantage of this transaction is to update the status of the object
2.  Updating confirmation details
3.   Multiple projects can be compared from a single view

9. T Code: CN41n (Project Structure Overview)
In ECC6.0, the transaction for Structural overview (CN41) is enhanced to CN41n which is user friendly.
1. The main advantage of CN41n over CN41 is editing is possible in detailed navigations of the master data
2.  Standard Variants can be created

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